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            1. What is #HerArtHere? Learn more
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              Introducing the Her Art Here planes

              Her Art Here, a first-of-its-kind contest, was created to find and uplift underrepresented women artists by providing them with a chance to have their work painted on a canvas like no other — a Boeing 757 plane.

              While 51% of today's artists are women, less than 13% of art on display in museums is by women artists according to The National Museum of Women in the Arts. Having their designs painted on a plane (roughly 3,666 times larger than the typical 18’ x 24’ canvas) provides these women with a traveling canvas that will fly 1.6 million miles a year, or 476 cross-country trips on average.

              Meet the newest member of the California fleet: one of our two women-designed airplanes from the Her Art Here contest. This eye-catching Boeing 757 design, created by San Francisco resident and artist Tsungwei Moo, is a tribute to the Golden State where we operate two major airport hubs — one in Los Angeles and the other in San Francisco. Her design features quintessential California imagery including sunglasses, palm trees and the Golden Gate Bridge. Tsungwei’s creation was also shaped by her personal journey. The talented artist grew up in Taipei before emigrating to San Francisco 14 years ago aboard a United Airlines® flight.

              Before taking to the skies, United’s Her Art Here California plane spent time in Amarillo, Texas. After 17 days, 10 colors, 250+ gallons of paint and approximately 4,100 hours, painters finished transforming the Boeing 757 into Tsungwei’s winning design.

              Tsungwei Moo
              Her Art Here Winner
              “It’s truly a dream come true. The vibrant colors, sunshine and subject matter make it California. I could never imagine one day my art will be displayed on a United Airlines plane which brought me to the United States. There are no culture borders in art and it doesn't matter my status is an emigrant female artist. This plane has its mission now, to bring more joy into people’s life, connecting people and uniting the world through experience art.”

              The New York/New Jersey airplane from the Her Art Here contest is completed and has officially joined our fleet. This one-of-a kind, woman-designed aircraft was painted in Amarillo, Texas. It took 17 days, 10 colors, 250-plus gallons of paint and approximately 4,100 hours to complete the job from start to finish. The Boeing 757 designed by New Jersey native Corinne Antonelli is a tribute to the New York/New Jersey region and the Newark Liberty International Airport hub we serve there. This plane features iconic imagery from the two states, including the Red Mill in New Jersey, the New York City skyline and the Statue of Liberty, as well as a globe to signify our worldwide network.

              New York / New Jersey
              Corinne Antonelli
              Her Art Here Winner
              “It still feels like I am dreaming! I have seen the design on paper countless times, but now to see it, at its full scale in the physical world, there are no words to describe how proud I feel. My goal as an artist is to have people experience my art rather than just view it in a gallery, therefore having it displayed on an airplane has certainly been the most rewarding feeling I’ve ever experienced in my art career”
              Her Art HereWhat is #HerArtHere?

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                                      1. Or

                                        Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Financial, Acronyms, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.


                                        conj. either; in the alternative. It is often vital to distinguish between "or" and "and." Example: Title to the Cadillac written "Mary or Bill Davidson" means either one could transfer the car, but if written "Mary and Bill Davidson," both must sign to change title.


                                        n. short for "own recognizance," meaning the judge allowed a person accused in a criminal case to go free pending trial without posting bail. A person so released is often referred to as having been "OR-ed." (See: own recognizance)

                                        OR. This syllable in the termination of words has an active signification, and usually denotes the doer of an act; as, the grantor, he who makes a grant; the vendor, he who makes a sale; the feoffor, he who makes a feoffment. Litt. s. 57; 1 Bl. Com. 140, n.


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                                                        • than

                                                          Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary
                                                          Jump to navigationJump to search
                                                          See also: Than, thân, thần, Thân, thận, thàn, and þan


                                                          English Wikipedia has an article on:

                                                          Alternative forms[edit]


                                                          From Middle English than, thanne, from Old English þanne, a variant of þonne (then, since, because), from Proto-Germanic *þan (at that, at that time, then), from earlier *þam, from Proto-Indo-European *tóm, accusative masculine of *só (demonstrative pronoun, that). Cognate with Dutch dan (than), German denn (than), German dann (then). Doublet of then.


                                                          • (stressed) enPR: thăn, thĕn, IPA(key): /ðæn/, /ðɛn/
                                                            • (file)
                                                          • (file)
                                                          • (unstressed) enPR: thən, IPA(key): /ðən/, /ðn̩/
                                                            • (file)
                                                          • Homophone: then (unstressed or, for some speakers, stressed)



                                                          1. (obsolete outside dialects, usually used with for) Because; for.
                                                            • 1854, Reformation series:
                                                              If thou say yes, then puttest thou on Christ (that is, the wisdome of God, the Father) unkunning, unpower, or euil will: for than he could not make his rule so good as an other did his.
                                                            • 1668, William Lawson, A way to get wealth:
                                                              You shall also take the fine earth or mould which is found in the hollow of old Willow trees, rising from the root almost to the middle of the Tree, at least so far as the tree is hollow, for than this, there is no earth or mould finer or richer.
                                                          2. Used in comparisons, to introduce the basis of comparison.
                                                            • 2013 July 20, “Old soldiers?”, in The Economist, volume 408, number 8845:
                                                              Whether modern, industrial man is less or more warlike than his hunter-gatherer ancestors is impossible to determine. The machine gun is so much more lethal than the bow and arrow that comparisons are meaningless.
                                                            • 1665, Stillingfleet, Laud, Carwell, A rational account of the grounds of Protestant religion:
                                                              Answer me if you can, any other way, than because the Scriptures, which are infallible, Say so.
                                                            she's taller than I am;  she found his advice more witty than helpful;  we have less work today than we had yesterday;  We had no choice than to return home



                                                          1. introduces a comparison, and is associated with comparatives, and with words such as more, less, and fewer. Typically, it seeks to measure the force of an adjective or similar description between two predicates.
                                                            Patients diagnosed more recently are probably surviving an average of longer than two years.

                                                          Usage notes[edit]

                                                          Usage prescriptivists have a number of rules concerning than. In formal grammar, than is not a preposition to govern the oblique case (although it has been used as such by writers such as William Shakespeare, whose 1600 play Julius Caesar contains the line A man no mightier than thyself or me. . ., and Samuel Johnson, who wrote No man had ever more discernment than him, in finding out the ridiculous.). Than functions as both conjunction and preposition; when it is used as a conjunction, it governs the nominative case, and when a preposition, the oblique case. To determine the case of a pronoun following "than", a writer can look to implied words and determine how they would relate to the pronoun.

                                                          Examples :

                                                          • You are a better swimmer than she.
                                                            • represents You are a better swimmer than she is.
                                                            • therefore You are a better swimmer than her is, according to such prescriptivists, a solecism.
                                                          • They like you more than her.
                                                            • represents They like you more than they like her.
                                                            • therefore They like you more than she is a solecism, if it attempts to represent the previous sentence. It may be correct, however, if it represents They like you more than she likes you.

                                                          Some prescriptivists insist that whom must follow than (not who); although according to the above rule, who would be the "correct" form. Critics of this often cite this mandatory exception as evidence that the prescriptivist rule is logically erroneous, in addition to its being inconsistent with well-established usage.



                                                          than (not comparable)

                                                          1. (now chiefly dialectal or a misspelling) At that time; then.





                                                          1. Aspirate mutation of tan.

                                                          Middle English[edit]



                                                          1. then
                                                            • 14th Century, Chaucer, General Prologue
                                                              And whan that he wel dronken hadde the wyn,
                                                              Than wolde he speke no word but Latyn.
                                                              And when he had drunk all the wine
                                                              He would not speak a word other than Latin

                                                          Old Dutch[edit]



                                                          1. then


                                                          Old High German[edit]

                                                          Alternative forms[edit]



                                                          1. then, there, when, at that time



                                                          1. from there, therefore, if, because, after
                                                          2. than, (comparative)


                                                          1. Braune, Wilhelm. Althochdeutsches Lesebuch, zusammengestellt und mit Glossar versehen



                                                          Etymology 1[edit]

                                                          Non-Sino-Vietnamese reading of Chinese (“coal”; SV: thán).


                                                          than (, )

                                                          1. coal
                                                            than củi
                                                          Derived terms[edit]
                                                          Derived terms

                                                          Etymology 2[edit]

                                                          Non-Sino-Vietnamese reading of Chinese (SV: thán).



                                                          1. to complain

                                                          Derived terms[edit]

                                                          Derived terms




                                                          1. Aspirate mutation of tan.


                                                          Welsh mutation
                                                          Note: Some of these forms may be hypothetical. Not every
                                                          possible mutated form of every word actually occurs.

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